In most service areas, when you call others, your name is presented to their caller
ID (if they subscribe). With Send own caller ID, you can block or send the display
of your number when you make a call.
Note: Send own caller ID when calling might not be available in your
wireless system. Contact your service provider for details and availability.
Also note that this feature is effective only when you call a number that is
equipped with caller ID.
Before you can use Send own caller ID when calling, you must first store its
feature code. Otherwise, this feature might not appear on the phone menu.
Store the feature code
From the menus, select Settings > Network services > Network feature setting.
At the Feature code prompt, enter the feature code from your service provider
and select OK > Send own caller ID when calling > Yes.

Copyright © 2004 Nokia
Allow your number to appear
From the menus, select Settings > Network services > Send own caller ID
when calling > Yes.
Enter the number you want to call, or select Find to retrieve it from the
contact list.
When you first activate your phone, your service provider programs the phone number
and system information into your phone memory. The number assigned to your phone
provides service for only one service area.
Your phone can be activated in up to three different service areas. Each service area
would assign a different phone number or account to your phone.
You must select a phone number for your home system and, if you travel outside
your home system, you can choose another number. Only one phone number can
be active at a time.
Note: You may not need up to three numbers for your phone if your service
provider has service or roaming agreements for each area in which you
wish to use your phone. Contact your service provider for details.
From the menus, select Settings > Network services > Own number selection
and the phone number you want to use.
The first phone number on the list is the currently selected number. You need at least
one active number to make and receive calls and to use mobile messaging services.
Touch tones (or DTMF tones) are sounds that are produced when you press the keys
on your phone keypad. You can use touch tones for many automated
over-the-phone services such as checking bank balances and airline schedules and
using your voice mailbox. Touch tones can be sent only when a call is active.
Warning: If you send touch tones while in the analog mode, be careful not
to send confidential information.